Tuesday, 13 March 2018

February Favourites | Go to Skincare, First Gig Experience & Cooking More 2018

For Christmas, Ash surprised me with an amazing gift set from The Body Shop and ever since I have been hooked. I have been loving the strawberry shower gel - the set as a whole is just admirable & I'd recommend everyone to use it. It has transformed my skin so so much & being cruelty-free, it relieves you of any breakouts from chemicals that are often used in beauty products, it softens any eczema that is visible on your skin and overall, makes the skin so smooth and soft it's like heaven. I'm still working my way through all the products and so far I've used the shower gel, body polish and moisturiser. You can find it here: http://bit.ly/2FDgPdL

What is included in the gift set? Find them individually below.

Strawberry Shower gel: http://bit.ly/2FBtBxC

Strawberry Softening Body Polish: http://bit.ly/2ImyI2c

Strawberry Softening Moisturiser: http://bit.ly/2pbzqqs

Strawberry Hand Cream: http://bit.ly/2GpIS1B

Strawberry Body Mist: http://bit.ly/2FIhVVH

Through February, I found myself venturing out to new products that were very kindly given to me if I hadn't bought them when supposedly "browsing" in the shops. 

Nivea Facial Wash - I stopped using facial wipes throughout winter as they were drying out my face so quickly and it caused my face to clog up and itch, so nasty! After using Nivea Facial Wash, my skin was fresher and less clogged up with dirt and impurities/dead skin cells. It was nice to let my skin breathe and has definitely relieved my skin of the excess dirt hiding within my face. If I had a UV light to show the state of my skin before, I think I'd be disgustingly shocked for sure. Since it's been my everyday facial wash and I daren't switch from it just yet!! You can find it here: http://bit.ly/2Il12lH

Mandara Spa 'Amber Heaven' Nourishing Body Cream - This has definitely been my go-to moisturiser and my skin has been adapting to this body cream, especially on my face as it gets so dry! Throughout winter, dry skin happens to be the most common outrage on people's skin, so having this cream was definitely my saviour. Not only has it made my skin super soft, but it's made it more clear and radiant. After having so many compliments on how fresh my skin looks, I'd definitely recommend it to everybody! 
You can find it here: http://bit.ly/2pclmwP

Baylis & Harding 'Sweet Mandarin & Grapefruit' Body Butter - This isn't my favourite nor is it my least favourite as it lies in the middle. The very sweet, addictive smell is lovely and it cuddles my skin quite nicely. Not too suffocating and definitely allows the skin to breathe. Just applying small amounts does wonders for the skin, freeing it from all aspects of dryness, dirty and ruggedness. I can't seem to find it on the internet, but if there's an alternative, it'll be linked below. :) 

Soap and Glory 'Smoothie Star' Body Milk / Body Lotion - My mum kindly gave me this when I lived at home for 2 weeks in January and it's probably my favourite product from Soap and Glory at the moment. Smoothie star has a combination of all things good in my opinion; Almond, Cocoa, Yoghurt, Oat and Honey formula really gives that "chilled night" vibe and smells out of this world! I can't stress enough how good these ingredients are together in one. If it does anything it'll bring your skin bouncing back and feeling elegant as ever! 
You can find it here: http://bit.ly/2IoLVHJ

For years, I had been wanting to go to a concert. When I was 18 years old, I and a friend was meant to go Forever The Sickest Kids in Birmingham, but unfortunately life got in the way and became unable to attend *cries* as my brother's car broke down... it was so disappointing and after hating the world all day, life went on. This year, I managed to secure myself and Ash a ticket to go see Speaking In Shadows on their farewell tour. Gutted beyond belief that they are going their separate ways, but what they're leaving behind (the music) is incredible and will definitely live on!! Seeing these amazing guys live after nearly 5 years of supporting them, I felt honoured to share the final experience with them in Leeds. It was heartbreaking, to say the least, but jamming out with them to one of my favourite songs Sweet Gemini the best moment I've ever had. 

Last but no means least, I have been cooking more in my new flat!! It's so exciting because I've been becoming more confident in the kitchen, creating some exciting dishes for me and Ash to try. As you can see, it's nothing special but it's definitely healthy which is what I need after eating so many Mcdonalds! In the near future, it'll be featured on my blog on how I cook my meals so do keep an eye out for that chapter of my blog. I'm sure it'll be very fun to create fun content around my meals.

Thanks for reading!

Find me here: 
Instagram: @jaydeekelly 
Twitter: @crashl0nelystar 


* All photo's in this post belong to me, Jaydee Kelly.
* All opinions are my own on products & bit.ly is used for affiliated links
*This post is NOT sponsored.
Anything I have mentioned and could find will be linked to the descriptions.

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