Friday, 7 June 2019

25 Things I've learnt before 25!

On Monday (June 3rd) I had the best day of turning 25. That's quarter of a century old, I can't quite believe it. Makes me wonder how fast life is going but I've learnt so much over my 25 years on this planet so I'm joining the bandwagon and sharing what I've been lucky enough to learn. 

1. Love Yourself. Comparing yourself to other people isn't worth it. Learn to love your flaws and know they don't make you a shitty person. Embrace your body; your love handles, your belly, your pancake botty or even your uneven boobies. Nobody really cares at the end of the day so love what makes you, you.

2. Work isn't and shouldn't be your first priority. I've learnt when to take time off and say no to work. Don't to make it all about work. You miss out on so much working 24/7 for people who don't even care about you. If no one is willing to put you as a priority within your job, don't do it either.

3. Mums are ALWAYS right. If my mum is reading this she will be like "hell yeah I am" lol, no matter what, always listen to your mum whether its about friendships, relationships or life in general. She's never wrong.

4. Friendships come and go. Probably learnt more over the last year and the true meaning behind the word 'friend'. I've accepted that it's better to have a few true friends that support and love you than having fake ones who don't give a crap about you.

5. It's okay to ask for help. No matter how little, don't be ashamed to ask for help. Whether it's to put a washing line up or it's because you need someone to talk to. At some point in life, we've all been in that same boat.

6. Not everyone will like you & that's absolutely fine. I'm often surrounded by people who don't like me every single day, who act fake as the next to my face and if we're being honest... I really don't care who likes me or not anymore as it's not my problem :) 

7. Know your worth. Don't stand for anything less to what you want/don't want. I'm still learning and implementing this into my life and I'm happy to finally be practising what I preach. 

8. Prioritise your health. Never take it for granted, look after yourself. You only have one life.

9. There is no timeline for your life. If you're not where you want to be right now, that's fine! You will get to where you need to be in your own time. Forget what everyone else is doing and focus on yourself.

10. It's okay to walk away from toxic people/ situations. Whether it's a boy or girl you love, friends who you think you can't live without or a job that sucks the life out of you. IF IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU HAPPY, WALK AWAY. 

11. Live in the moment. See life away from the screens, it's better that way and doesn't hurt your neck as much.

12. You can't please everyone. Don't waste your time trying to please others, it's an endless game of Tom and Jerry but less cute.

13. Social Media is a highlight reel, not real life. Don't get caught up in it, not everything is as it seems nor is everything 'behind the scenes' revealed. 

14. Binge watching Greys Anatomy is a must. It will honestly change you and show emotions you didn't even know you had. Not even kidding.

15. Therapy isn't a bad thing. Speaking about how you feel to a complete stranger shouldn't be frowned upon. If anything it will help you become a better version of yourself and you see yourself/your struggles through a stranger's eyes. 

16. Not everyone wants you to fail. Can't stress this enough. There are many supportive people in the world who want you to win in life. There's more wanting you to achieve your goals than fail them, so aim high and you will get there.

17. Always listen to your gut feeling. It's never wrong. If you feel uneasy about something, someplace or someone, don't ignore it. It's probably protecting you more than you think. 

18. Everybody you meet knows something you don't. The best people to be around are those who you can chat to for hours and who have some epic stories to tell. 

19. Finding who you are isn't a bad thing. Whether you break from a relationship/friendship or decide to have a spa weekend for one, finding yourself isn't a bad thing. Learn about yourself as it's so exciting and insightful. 

20. Appreciate the little things. Appreciate the roof over your head, how lucky you are to still be breathing, how you can still tell someone you love them because life is too short. We never know when our last day will be.

21. Be the person you want to attract. I've always thought I attracted arseholes because at one point in my life I was one. What you put into the universe, you get back. Why not reinforce it into the people you want around you? :) 

22. The best memories don't have to involve alcohol. Since leaving university, I've realised how crap drinking made me feel for days after, how I couldn't really remember things and how it triggered my anxiety, recently this happened and it just made me wake up. You can still enjoy life sober and to be honest, from personal experience, you create the best memories <3 

23. You'll get broody for either a dog/cat or a baby at some point in your early 20s. Fact. 

24. Not everything you lose is a loss. Everything happens for a reason, right? 

25. Smiling makes the world a happy place. Smiling at strangers is the best feeling, you can see how much it makes their day. Especially with the elder folk, it's probably the only interaction they get once a day, so smile at people :) 

So there you have it! What have you learnt in life so far?

Thanks for reading!

Find me here: 
Instagram: @jaydeekelly 
Twitter: @crashl0nelystar