Saturday, 20 April 2019

Coming Back to Blogging!

Well, it's certainly been a while since I sat at my laptop and came on here to do what I love. I needed to leave this platform at a standstill around New year and have some time away to process what's going on in my personal life and to you know, sort myself out properly. I've not posted anything in 4 months? well, anything considered 'proper' since I was rushed into surgery last October. It's been a Godsend to have a break to just unwind and to have that time to focus on myself for a while. 

Another reason I took this break was so I could decide what content was going to be published on here. My thoughts clouded my goals for this blog, immediately jumping to the worst about my content which affected my creativity to the point all my enjoyment in blogging had faded as I was trying to be perfect, following trends and what everyone else is doing. So it got me thinking... I'm not going to keep worrying about what my 'Niche' is as I will post about anything and everything from Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Travel, Fitness and so on, more so to suit my desire to have my platform as an escape from what I HAVE TO be writing about, review, wear etc. 
My blog was created more or less to be different, to show my personality. Even though there are some good points, I feel like I began to sink so I stopped posting. 

The vision I have for this space to call my own is what I want to be fun and more relaxed. I often found myself comparing my blog to other peoples and it's a crap feeling. I don't have a theme yet, I used to but couldn't get my comments on it working. I don't have hundreds of followers or readers because I've been so out of touch with being on here recently, it's not really attracted anyone. I don't have the most high-end photo's or camera to take them on and that's ok. I'll work towards all that but for now, getting everything out my head and written down is my first goal. 

I hope you enjoy this next step with Just Me, Jaydee.

Thanks for reading!

Find me here: 
Instagram: @jaydeekelly 
Twitter: @crashl0nelystar