I've never done a favourites before, so I thought why not as I've been enjoying a range of things throughout October. From nights out to candles, workout gear etc. **Most of my photos will be recognisable from my previous posts**
Primark candles are pretty amazing, this one happens to be one of my favourite christmas scents. It's a warm winter scent and it just makes your room area all cosy, if anything it helped me settle and complete some uni work. I got this in September but started burning it in beginning of October, I think, can't really remember but it was in my haul post. I would definitely recommend it, if anyone is wanting a new candle for winter! :)

Lush is such a good store to get bath bombs, shower gels etc. BUT as I don't have a bath at University, I only have a shower, I decided to get a cleanser and toner. Now, I'm very picky with what I put on my skin, like.. Really fussy! The cleanser is amazing on my skin, it gives it the refreshed look it needs after a restless nights sleep, or to make my face look more cleansed after taking off my makeup. The toner, finishes off the routine with taking away unwanted make-up, clogged pores etc. I can't wait until payday, I will definitely be getting some more! I'm also OBSESSED with the face mask, Cupcake, but I shall do a separate post on that!!

No doubt some of you will recognise this photo, or this beautiful girl from a previous post of mine. Recently I brought my cat to university and it was the best time ever. She settled down really well and having cuddles every night was the best thing ever. I had to take her back home due to some unsettling circumstances within my university house, but I shall be bringing her back after the Christmas Break, once i have enough money for her too. Being a student sucks sometimes, not having enough money and all that, ha. But I get to see her again soon and I really can't wait!! She's in my favourites because all of October she lifted me when I felt stressed, upset etc. and well, she is the reason for my smile :)

These candles are also from Primark, no more than £5 each. The pink cased candle, well... It smells like sweets, a very sweet smell but I LOVE it, it's amazing. It's called "Red berry & Jasmine" and it's one of the best candles ever made. If you want more of a day candle, then I'd highly suggest this. As for the purple ones, After burning the little ones I got a HUGE one, like the pink cased. In fact, I got like... 3 more! (oops) It just smells so Wintery and Autumnal and it helps me relax at night when I just want to unwind :)) It's called "Blackcurrant and Forest Plum" (see below for more pictures)

Okay, I'm not much of a sport fanatic but I do follow Ice-hockey, it's my favourite sport EVER. My team, Sheffield Steelers are such a great team to support. They normally win every game they have, some they don't and thats fine!! They have such incredible energy. I did manage to capture this proud moment as a fan, they won 5-4 ! I think they played against Nottingham, can't really remember ha! Do add them on snapchat if you're interested: @steelershockey

So throughout October, I got really back into my training. I joined the Athletics team at University and carried on with my personal training sessions. (Can I just point out, I'm the most unfit person ever!!) I decided one day I was going to spend all my money on work out gear, so I went to H&M and got this work-out top. Now when I go shopping I always get bigger sizes to what I am, but this top is a small and it's super big on me. It made me feel so happy to know all the training and eating clean I had been doing was doing me good in the long run. I got two sports bra's too and couldn't find my size, so i got the next number down and even that was too big!! Very comfortable and it just makes me feel so good knowing they aren't tight on me, they fit comfortably and even now, they're becoming too big, but thats a very good thing! Couldn't be more happier tbh! :))

I don't talk about this much on my blog but I am OBSESSED with Paris, never been but a girl can dream. I was browsing on amazon, as I had too much free time and came across this phone case. In October I also drank too much on a night out (oops ha) and smashed my phone into the ground, screen stopped working and I had to get a replacement and thought why not start fresh with a new case?! Thank you so much to a fab company "Headcase" for creating this phone case (not sponsored), it's my all time favourite thing. Ever! (I'm also aware of whats happened in Paris recently with the terrorist attacks and it absolutely broke my heart. #PrayForParis)

Hangover food is great, but Nando's... Nando's is life. I always take photo's of my food whenever I go and to be honest, I don't know why as I always get the same thing! But this meal was the best thing ever. It tasted better than usual when I went and stuffed me right up. I guess I'm obsessed with Nando's ha! Especially on hangover days. It's in my favourites because Nando's is one of my favourite restaurants and well, it's great food!!! If you don't know what one is, then check it out!!

While everyone has been obsessing over Christmas throughout the month of October, It was me raving about Halloween and well... This is why (see above) I left my costume to last minute as I wanted to go home due to feeling home sick :( I went as a dead school girl and don't usually make an effort to dress up. But this year, that all changed! All I did for my costume was buy a black skirt from Primark (was about £6) and a baggy shirt (£4) and cut the shirt up, sprayed fake blood on it, cut it up and added a tie. As for my make up, it was latex, fake blood and black crayon (Yes, crayon) It was sooooooo painful getting off!! But the night out was incredible. For the first time ever, I went through a scare maze and left it laughing and crying with fear it was brilliant. Excited for next year already!! :))

Selena Gomez has been one of my idols since I was about, 14 years old. She's incredibly stunning, an amazing actor & her new album "Revival" is pretty decent :) She's made it to my favourites because of her strength. As many people know she's battled an awful time with a break up i presume? well, she's maintained herself so gracefully and I admire her for her strength. Selena is one of the strongest people I look up to, she's been through so much since becoming famous, some of which I've never experienced, but when I do, just looking at how she overcame her worries, pushes me to overcome mine. Selena, I love you. You've got so much going for you and I hope one day I meet you and tell you in person. Thank you, for being you :))

Who doesn't like Swifty?? HER NEW ALBUM IS GREAT. Well, I might have jumped on the bandwagon a year late but who cares ;) The two songs that are now on repeat is "This Love" and "Out of the woods" and I have no idea why. I guess they just chill me out and I admire her passion throughout her whole album. But these songs are the most played, Along with Wildest Dreams :P

So when my little princess was with me at University, the picture above is pretty much how we would spend every night together. All cuddled up watching Alfie Deyes on Youtube (@Pointlessblog) :)) Pepsi loves him as much as I do! It's so interesting in following people's lives. I love watching Youtubers, it chills me out and makes me happy especially when I've had a rubbish day! I'd love to be able to do what they do, but at the moment I'm way too shy!! But yeah, University life is more than stressing out writing essays, going out all the time etc. For me it's just chill nights watching Netflix cuddled up to my teddy or pepsi (when she was here) or catching up on Youtube :)

Being invited along to birthdays makes me happy. I get to celebrate with my friends and catch up with others when I see them out etc. We went to Revolution in Lincoln and their new menu is to die for!! Also, who doesn't like a cheeky cocktail?! This night in general was filled with laughter, good food and drinks & of course, great friends :)) If you're old enough to drink, do check out the "Pornstar Martini" It's well nice!! Hopefully I'll be making these when I attend Bartending school next summer!!

As I mentioned before I've joined the Athletics society for my final year at University and my first session was intense. If anyone follows my instagram (@jaydeekelly) you'll have seen this photo and the caption stating that it took me 4 years to get back onto the track. On my second session, I sprained my ankle... and currently have been out for 3 weeks so far, waiting for it to become strong enough to run on again!! It was a massive achievement to get my fitness back up and hopefully as the year continues I get to go on tour with the society, I get keep my fitness up and hopefully start competing.. I think it'll be quite epic. :))

One of the final things I have been loving in October (and every month of the year) is my all time favourite program, Criminal Minds. If anything it gives me inspiration for my university work and whenever I watch it, it makes me want to be an FBI agent so bad!! So for my final year project I decided to write a television program around the FBI units, not at all like this, very different and so far it's going great and I have this show to thank. I'm just hooked it's actually quite unhealthy ha!!
That's pretty much it for my favourites. The products I have been loving are probably going to be reviewed separately! Hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know what you've been loving down below also!
(All photo's in this post apart from the Selena Gomez & Criminal minds photo, are all my own & screen shot by myself. Do not take them without my permission, thanks!)